Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Google is bigger than Sex!!!

Now that was a surprise wasn't it. Graphs at Google Trends show that the number of people who searched for Google at the search engine was consistently higher than sex for the last year(With one exception of the Christmas holiday season). I tried finding another term that would go higher that sex but nothing that I could think of did!! Facebook and Myspace showed a phenomenal rise but did not quite beat it. Microsoft, blog, obama were not even comparable. Do let me know if you can find something.

Graph showing search density of selected keywords

And remember, Google knows what you did last Christmas!! *** Evil Grin ***



Anonymous said...

try searching this

"yahoo, google, tv, games, news"

Prashant Maskara said...

Thanks for pointing out.. Yahoo also beat Sex. Not sure why you put up the other terms though??

Zen said...

Really nice map blog with google trends. Its really pity people spent most of their time with social network and X.

Blogger said...


Facebook is much bigger now :)

Prashant Maskara said...

Yes, Facebook beats everything hands down now... Zen's comment though is still valid. A social network still tops!